Regular brushing is essential for maintaining your pet's oral health.
Our veterinary team performs routine dental cleaning and polishing, dental extractions and minor oral surgeries. To ensure your pet is safe during these dental procedures, we perform them while they’re under general anesthetic. We also perform digital dental X-rays in-house, which helps us diagnose dental disease.
Dental disease is one of the most common issues pets have. Dental disease not only affects your pet’s gums but their entire wellbeing. When your pet is in pain, it negatively impacts their quality of life. Untreated gingivitis, caused by a buildup of tartar and bacteria below the gum line, can destroy the bone, which eventually causes the infected tooth to fall out. Regular at-home brushing as well as professional cleanings by our veterinary team can help remove the buildup which causes this infection. We typically perform dental cleanings during your furry friend’s routine wellness exam.
Since pets often disguise their pain, it’s important to closely look out for signs of dental disease. Early detection can help ensure your pet doesn’t lose their teeth or develop underlying health issues. If you notice any of the signs below, please book an appointment at 604-940-0899. Signs include:
Our veterinary team uses a range of tools to remove buildup on the teeth’s surface as well as below the gum line. First, we’ll do a dental exam to determine your pet’s oral health. Next, we’ll do scaling (plaque and tartar removal) and polishing. We put your pet under general anesthesia for all of our dental procedures to ensure their safety. Before your pet goes under anesthetic, we’ll perform bloodwork to ensure they respond well to the medication.
Dentistry at Trenant Park Pet Clinic
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